We just finished up a most life changing retreat with our Mystique Elite women in Sedona.

We are all still processing and integrating and we will be sharing some of the insights that came through over the next month.

One of the topics of discussion was FREEDOM.

Can you imagine being free instead of hijacked by your emotions, your reactions, your doubt and your external circumstances?

Consider this…

What are the things/people in your life fighting for your attention?

And which of those are you saying “yes” to, when deep inside you know you are supposed to say “no”?

Take a moment to feel into that for yourself. Even better, make it count by writing it down before you read the rest of this transmission.

So what is True Freedom?

I hear often from clients that they want financial freedom, emotional freedom and the freedom to be who they truly are; yet they don’t know how to get there.

There’s only one way.

It is the freedom to make the choices that are in true alignment. This is the most important freedom you will ever learn to be in.

However, you cannot think your way into this type of freedom.

You must go back to your wholeness, the one that goes beyond the mind and includes the body and the heart.

This is the return of the Divine Feminine.

As a woman you have intuitive wisdom and the power to sense and know. Yet you doubt yourself and then wonder why you don’t have what you want and don’t feel the way you want to feel.

Doubt is a way to disempower yourself. Every time you doubt you are saying “I don’t know.” The truth is you always know, because you always know what is true for you. The difference is that the knowing isn’t coming from the thinking mind which references memories of the past.

These deep profound knowings go beyond what the mind can comprehend and that’s why choices have to be made from the trust and alignment that come from your center.

Watch this simple yet powerful practice to release energy blockages, trauma and get into alignment in our private FB group: Click here

>> (Not part of our private Facebook group yet? Click this link to request to join so you can access weekly sacred teachings every Thursday at 11:30am PST)

Use this practice to be a creative force and be the leader you came here to be.

It is the time for women to lead the way and it will not look like something you’ve done before.

This is the time to lead from your internal guidance and get back into…

Your center
Your femininity
Your knowing

This is the most important work you will ever do.