
I AM Solara

Founder of the Solara School of Mastery

Hello, I AM Solara
Founder of the Solara School of Mastery
I advise CEOs of major corporations, have built two successful businesses and worked as an architect for the NYC super star architecture firms. Mostly, I have been a seeker and spiritual teacher since I came into this lifetime.

I have also gone through divorce, debt, a near death experience, life threatening disease and a lot of drama.

I thought I had lost everything twice, only to find that I was searching for love, happiness, fulfillment and self-worth in all the wrong places.

Luckily, I have been listening and following the voice of my
Higher Self for over 14 years.

SHE has guided me to find everything I was searching for and MORE…

My twin flame partner in life and in business, time for creating sacred activation art, playing in relationships I could never have dreamed of and doing my Higher Purpose work being ALL of me.

I live the gift of guiding powerhouse women in the most sacred and vulnerable space. It is an honor to be their partner in magic as they awaken their Mastery in Love, Life and Business.

I’ve learned to harness my feminine spiritual power and to own the mysticism that guides every moment of my life.

I am the Mystic and Architect of transcendent realities, ready to co-create with you!

Hello, I AM Ed

Inventor of The Goddess & The Alchemist product line.



Inventor of The Goddess & The Alchemist product line

I am an entrusted healer and advisor to celebrities and cutting edge physicians. My background in biomedical engineering served as a springboard to create groundbreaking technologies designed to awaken true human potential.

At age 23 I asked to be shown my spirituality. I didn’t even know what I was really asking for or where to find the answer. Although I wasn’t religious, I went to a local church and within seconds I was overcome by a torrential presence of Spirit. This was the catalyst to realizing what I am really here to do.

I discovered that I am an alchemist and that is one of the biggest gifts in my life. Alchemy is an arcane science of transmutation. In my case it applies to health and the expansion of consciousness.

Every day I have the opportunity to transmute disease conditions considered to be incurable. I also assist clients in realizing their latent potential for Mastery in Love, Life and Business.

When we first met, Solara lovingly referred to me as a 5D scientist, for me, everything I do is about experiencing the magic and joy of every moment.


I have come to realize that what I’m here to do is all about service

and to remember our true nature of compassion and unconditional love.


We guide a new generation of conscious leaders who are here to awaken humanity on a global scale.

You are here at this time to master the journey and joy of this life experience. You are here to strip away the lies and the ego that have created suffering for you and the loss of your personal power.


You are here to awaken humanity by bridging the world of the lower and higher self, the material and the spiritual, the masculine and the feminine.

The planet needs a new conscious leadership to come forward and upgrade into an enlightened civilization. Let’s do this together!

Solara Amun Ra

The Divine Wealth Activator.
Pre-eminent Spiritual Advisor to 7 & 8 Figure Visionary Women

Founder of The Solara School of Mastery.

Solara is the #1 Best Selling Author of “Spiritual Seductress, The High-Powered Women’s Guide to Devour the World through Spiritual Guidance.”

Run over by a car in 2008, Solara had a near-death experience which elicited an unprecedented spiritual awakening. She quit her successful career as a NYC architect and began coaching major corporations such as Fox Films, Paramount Pictures, Sony, Orange Telecom, McDonalds, helping employees and CEOs radically amplify their creativity, innovation and greater vision.

She is the founder of The Solara School of Mastery and the co-creator of The Subconscious MasterCode™. The groundbreaking system that defies traditional self-help and coaching practices, accelerating the path to awaken your super human potential.

Solara conveys the wisdom of the masters. She’s known for instantly unblocking blind spots that sabotage visionaries from catapulting to their next level of success. This time it’s not just about financial success, it’s about mastery in love, life and business.

Ed Japngie

Healer & Advisor to Cutting Edge Physicians and Celebrities

Inventor of The Goddess & The Alchemist product line.

Ed is a Master Healer, Alchemist and Medical Intuitive. He is known for cracking the code to restoring people’s health and activating spiritual DNA.

Ed’s background is in bio-medical engineering and the healing arts. Weaving science and the esoteric, he woke up to being an Alchemist.

He is the inventor of The Goddess & The Alchemist performance product line. The groundbreaking technology Ed has developed defies the traditional self-help and coaching methodology by introducing the quantum element of DNA activated performance. The unique approaches he has created include technologies and products that accelerate the path to your unlimited potential.

He is the co-creator of the The Subconscious MasterCode™, the art of transmuting pain and suffering into spiritual power.

Ed’s mastery instantly transmutes the emotional energy that holds back visionaries from plugging into an elevated level of creativity and fulfillment.