your Mastery in Love, Life & Business

“Tripled my pay and enjoying a significantly richer and more joyous life”

“Nothing short of magical is how I describe the impact that working with Solara and Ed has had on my life – and I mean ALL aspects of my life.

When we began working together I had some credit card debt, had experienced a COVID pay cut by 60%, and found myself in a toxic work environment.

Fast forward 8 months later I have no debt, am holding a CEO title, tripled my pay, hosting two podcasts, regular global speaking gigs and I am fully celebrating a respected personal brand. I have moved across the country where my family and I are enjoying a significantly richer and more joyous life.

Emotionally I am at peace and grounded, not allowing the stories of others to distract me or bring me down. At long last I am living my life unapologetically on my terms and loving every minute (yes even the tricky parts as I now know how to alchemize into positive outcomes).”

Kate Byrne, CEO at Katapult

Within 6 months I have fully transitioned, opened a profitable business, and have created a new career

“Within 6 months of working with Solara I have completely transformed my life with her support and guidance. I was a healthcare executive who was feeling stuck in my corporate career. Solara helped coach me into a new space to allow this next phase of my life to open! I have fully transitioned, opened a profitable business, and have created a new career helping women manifest love. I am very grateful for Solara’s divine guidance and support during this crucial phase of my life.”

Cameo Gore, Founder & CEO at Ignite & Expand

“Living life with total freedom and trust”

“Solara is an ‘extraordinary’ coach. I have worked with coaches from numerous backgrounds and credentials. None were able to effortlessly help me see and clear what keeps me stuck.

I have already experienced high levels of success in my career and in my life, however, I am now focused on leaving a legacy, operating from my feminine and realizing my full potential.

If this is your desire too, then you need Solara on your team. She knows how to train you to ‘believe that you can’ no matter how big your dream is.

I see a path to living my life with total freedom and trust and not settling for anything less than my very best.”

Jill Ratlif, CEO at Empowerhouse Group

“Fulfillment, freedom and peace”

“I’ve always loved personal development, but no matter how much content I received, there was always a part of me wondering if there was ‘more’.

Solara and Ed’s guidance is that ‘MORE’.

They have an amazing ability to help others see their truth and purpose, which is something I had spent years trying to uncover.

This work has not been easy, however, the level of fulfillment, freedom, peace and joy that I am now experiencing is thanks to their impeccable guidance. I am eternally grateful to them for lighting the way for others to lead their own amazing journey!”

Marcia Monti, CEO at Navarre Beach Property Experts

“Living with ease, flow and joy as my ‘must haves’”

“I started this work with the clear intention to get new input for my spiritual growth and define more precisely how I want to serve the world. For many years I was fully into the hustle mode. Although I left the corporate world to give more space for a joyful, relaxed life, at some level I still bought into the ‘work hard and long hours’ mindset.

It was through my work with Solara and her team that I learned to step out of the 3D matrix and approach life totally differently. I finally understood that ease, flow, and joy build the foundation for a fulfilling, prosperous life.

They are not a ‘nice to have’ but a ‘must have’ when it comes to living from a place of authenticity and alignment.

Within a year so many things have changed. The main difference is that today I trust my intuition and follow up with actions. I do not need to know in advance every part of the journey, I simply need to know the next right step. Living like this is a true adventure and feels so much relaxed and truthful.”

Heidi Hauer, Leadership & Holistic Coach

“Every day of my life and business is now filled with pure joy and meaning!”

“I have replaced my high paying corporate income with a coaching business I never imagined was even possible. I am ecstatic that I was able to leave behind the masculine paradigm and now operate in my feminine essence.

My intensive work with Solara has been about digging into the depths of vulnerability and possibility, and having many assumptions and life patterns rewired. A clear path to live by spiritual principles and stay in a high vibration has emerged.

The result is that every day of my life and business is filled with pure joy and meaning! This work is beyond just a life-changing experience.”

Leslie Cole, Founder and CEO at Find My Feminine

“I have never before felt as beautiful, powerful, and sexy”

“I have gone through many coaching trainings and workshops and then I attended an activation retreat with Solara. It was one of the most powerful experiences of my life.

Throughout my time under Solara’s guidance, I have never before felt as beautiful, powerful, and sexy, which has a direct impact on my business and personal life. The spiritual nurturing was truly amazing, unique, and special. I may have travelled to Sedona, but I really began a journey to find my inner goddess.”

Brana Williams, Owner at Indigo Family Law

“I have emerged as my true self, unapologetically”

“For many years I felt a sense that something just wasn’t quite right about how I showed up in the world and who I really am to the point where it effected every aspect of my life. When Solara offered the retreat I knew it would shift me entirely and that I must attend despite being very apprehensive about it.

During the retreat my layers peeled away and I emerged as my true self, unapologetically. I now joyfully dance with the Universe and show up as my true self without feeling any guilt, shame or hindrance. If I could say just one word that embodies the transformation that took place would be Freedom.”

Elisabeth Belknap, Vice President of Sales at Belmero

“My vision has become clear. I own who I really am and what I am here to do”

I went with some reluctance to Solara’s retreat because I had been to others before that didn’t meet my expectations. This was different because it allowed me to reveal my vision and true Self in full, witnessing acceptance.

Solara drew my true essence out and I stood in it, feeling fully alive, revealed, honored and accepted. My vision became clear and I owned who I am and my purpose. Overall, it was a radiant experience about being fully aware of my own powerful essence. The bonding with the small group of women amplified the experience as it allowed each of us to be witnessed as the powerful Goddesses we truly are. You cannot leave this retreat without transformation.

Cindi Grace, CEO at Cindi Grace

“Coaching with Solara has brought me to my purpose, my passion, to building the business of my dreams”

This work has been an amazing life changing experience. Going through the process to find my purpose made sense of the struggles I have been facing recently.

Coaching with Solara brought me to my purpose, my passion, to building the business of my dreams. I feel so much lighter, freer, and excited for what is to come.”

Mindy West, Founder and CEO at Love Cacao

“I have made massive shifts in a very short period of time, I am truly and fully living my purpose.”

When I found Solara I had an idea of what my purpose was, I wasn’t clear and still had a lot of questions. Solara was able to help me find the answers I was looking for. She has taught me how to go within and hear divine guidance all on my own! Solara has helped me make massive shifts in a very short time period with her guidance, direction and endless support. I am truly and fully living my purpose and am almost finished writing my book, which I plan to launch this spring. My life has changed in such a positive way and Solara has also helped me to see the value in being authentic and in showing up for myself and the person I am here to be. Thank you.

Suzanne Adams, Transformational Speaker & CEO @ Suzann Adams INC

“These spiritual tools saved my marriage and I will use what I learned there for the rest of my life.”

Prior to my time in Sedona, my marriage, which used to seem like a fairytale, was on the rocks and I considered ending the relationship for good. Thanks to Solara’s guidance, I was able to get in touch with my inherent femininity and reflect on how to use open communication to benefit my marriage. Using this gift, I spoke with my husband using openness and love. He believes that these spiritual tools saved our marriage and I will use what I learned there for the rest of my life.

I recommend this spiritual journey to women who find themselves feeling their feminine nature is out of balance from working in the business world, among men. One life changing weekend is the beginning of my husband and I becoming who we were meant to be as individuals and as a couple.
