One of the main hidden reasons why you don’t feel confident to double and triple your rates is because you are projecting your belief system onto others.

This way of operating is completely based on ego and it is a waste of time.

So why do business owners do this sort of projection?

I uncovered a key piece around this when I was growing my business from being a spiritual coach to positioning myself as an Elite Spiritual Advisor.

Before you go onto your next sale, watch this video to:

>> Uncover your own self sabotage
>> Get out of 3D lack thinking and into 5D limitless mindset


I would love to see what happens for you. Join our private Facebook group to share your wins. Click this link to request to join

Plus there’s more!

This Thursday’s Live Teaching 11:30am PST I will go deeper into the topic of Increase Your Rates Through a Powerful Spiritual Practice.  Join me live so I can answer your questions.

Also, if you missed last week’s teaching, I highly recommend you watch it, as it is closely related to this topic. Watch here: Increase Your Confidence by Releasing Self Judgement.

Super excited to see you live so we can have a conversation!!

And finally, let me introduce the new member of the family, Adama!

In Love, Light and Bliss,
Solara Amun Ra