Most of us go about our life and business with a subconscious belief that we are not good enough.
The way this shows up is:
>> You don’t ask for the sale because you are being “too nice.” 
>> You don’t tell clients the truth of what you see and know. 
>> You are too giving.
>> You don’t stand firm in your boundaries.
>> You hold back your intuitive knowing. 
And then…
>> You become resentful toward yourself or even worse toward your clients.
>> You attract the wrong clients because you are holding subconscious rejection.
>> You run your business from the fear of losing clients because you secretly want their approval.
5D business and leadership requires overcoming your stored subconscious rejection and overcoming the “I’m not good enough syndrome”
So you can …
💜 Own your pricing.
💜 Stand in your boundaries knowing.
💜 Lovingly reflect to clients the truth so they can have an actual life changing breakthrough.
Watch this teaching to stop the covert pattern of “I’m not good enough” that is impacting your sales and your leadership.  Click here
>> (Not part of our private Facebook group yet? Click this link to request to join so you can access weekly sacred teachings every Thursday at 11:30am PST)

It is the time for women to lead the way and it will not look like something you’ve done before. 
This is the time to lead from…
Your mastery
Your super powers
Your intuitive knowing
Your heart
This is the most important work you will ever do.